Ronald Walker

Another Day

My work, such as "Another Day," are combinations of both my conscious and subconscious mind. Some themes pop out to me, such as animal rights (anti-vivisection) or sayings such as "You can lead a horse to water but..." or rain, rain go away, come again "Another Day." Perhaps born from a desire for better times, past or future? In any case, there are also parts of each painting that I truly do not fully understand, but for whatever reason, it seems right. I feel that some communication cannot happen by words alone, which is why I paint.

Ronald is an artist living in the Sacramento area of California. He works in a style he calls "Suburban Primitive." This style combines Ronald’s interest in the origins and functions of art along with life in the suburbs. To him, the draw of art lies not in the depiction of physical reality but rather the representation of his emotional, psychological and intellectual reactions to the environment in which he lives.